
Essay Restoring the Information Systems to a Safe Functional State

Decent Essays

This week, the saga continues when a RWW technician, Drew, takes a call from the wife. Drew's wife informs him that they have a sick child and asks him to get some medicine on his commute home. He, therefore, made the decision to leave is job early. The procedural manual, sequentially organized, and containing checklists which were issued to all of the operations center employees and used in everyday operations was in Drew's possession. Only one check box remained unchecked on Drew's checklists as he scurried to his workstation to secure it. Due to the fact no shift directly proceed Drew's, he carefully worked through the shutdown checklist ensuring that the security, environmental, and safety systems were correctly set before he set …show more content…

The IDS (intrusion detection system) was unable to contain the infection, however, was able to send Iris a message to her Smartphone. (Whitman & Mattord, 2010 pp. 333 & 334). The case exercise extends this scenario to include Iris, who's smart-phone beeped. Thinking that it was junk e-mail, Iris thought to herself, we need to find a way to control all this spam. She quickly realized that the situation was far more grave that that and scoured her incident response documentation for the phone number of the system administrator on call. The system administrator informed Iris that the alert was caused by some type of virus infection. Iris decided that she needed to have the program manager resume virus control refresher training. Iris inquired as to why the firewall did not stop the virus to which the system administrator responded that the virus must be new enough to evade detection by the patter filters. Iris asked what the plan was to which the systems administrator respond, Cut the Internet connection; initiate recovery operations; shut down infected systems; clean up infected servers; data recovery from tape backups; and notify partners that they may have infected emails sent from our email servers. Iris gave the system administrator the authorization to start the recovery operations. Iris activated the incident response plan and make phone calls

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