
Information Assurance : Most Important Aspects And Considerations Essay

Better Essays

Information assurance:
Most important aspects and considerations
By Andrew Irechukwu, Jakiha Johnson, Akil Kelly, Megan Gilliam

COSC 432 Professor Lamma
Principles of Information Security, Fifth Edition

December 12, 2016
Technology has grown tremendously over the past few decades. Everyday businesses, governments, and everyday people rely on technology for things from banking to communicating with loved ones and business associates. Disrupting this technology can cause major losses monetarily and in the sense of information. According to Information Security Curriculum Creation: A Case Study, “A survey of undergraduate degree programs in Computer Science, Information Technology, Management Information Science, and others show a lack of emphasis on security issues in their curriculum.” There is a strong need to secure and protect information for many, many reasons and as such it is important that an undergraduate curriculum provides a comprehensive approach to teaching information security concepts to its students.
Since the beginning of the Fall 2016 semester, we have covered a great deal of information in our information assurance class. We defined information security and discussed topics such as why we need security, the legal, ethical, and professional issues involving information security, managing and mitigating risks, how to effectively plan for security, tools such as intrusion detection and prevention systems, cryptography, physical

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