
Science And Religion: A Very Brief History Of The Ancient World

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Science and religion were based back in modern days to be the answer to everyone, and society as a whole to handle their issues through the church majority of the time, until science came along and changed the perspective of everyone’s outlook on how they were to solve their conflicts. Within the world today they both still exist and are still being put to use for its main purpose which is to create answers to things we face that need a solution.

I believe Religion started in the ancient civilizations were strongly influenced by their environments, such as the Mesopotamians, the Egyptians and the people of the Indus valley, and even the Chinese all believed that their gods controlled the forces of nature, and they felt that their gods were the high power that controlled everything they did or said. Religion was the total answer for ancient civilization but as time went on people started to frown upon religion because people were being denied their rights such as the status of the Muslims, the equality of all Muslims, toleration of other cultures, and respect for scholarship (global geography), Islamic law states that it does not separate religious matters from nonreligious matters which is not true at all. Early in the reign of Umayyad, women had the right to own the property. They participated in politics, traveled and attended public religious ceremonies. This freedom of action did not last, however this view combined with the fact that men could

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