
Science And Religion: Right Or Wrong?

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In today’s world, most of the population is split between two opinions as to where we as people came from as a species, and how our planet was formed. Was it just happenstance, a series of coincidences that formed the perfect conditions to sustain us? Or was it something more than that? Could it be that we were shaped and given our planet by a more powerful being? Most only take one side, but is it possible that there could be compromise? Could the answer be some mix of the two? David Brian Winter believes that is a definite possibility. His interpretation is that we were in fact put here by a higher being, but that science is not wrong. Instead, he sees science as a “how” to religion’s “why”, and believes that a lot of what the Bible says …show more content…

Is it completely strange to believe that both science AND religion have the correct answer, when they go together? We return to the works of Winter, who wrote on the subject of science being the “how” to religion’s “why” (Winter 36-37). And with this view, a lot of obstacles can be overcome. I believe that there had to be something more, in the beginning, to say “Go”, and then it all began. It may be that the beginning of all life WAS as simple as a natural incident, but that clearly does not answer all the questions. To attribute it all to coincidence simply doesn’t make scientific sense; if it was that simple, why wouldn’t we be sure of it already? To believe that there was something more, something great and powerful, to kick it all off, fills in these blanks that science simply cannot. To me, it is beyond mere comfort, knowing that there is something more to life, and someone out there to meet us when we die. It is a way for us to better understand the world around us, by trying to understand that which can’t be explained, by leaving it up to faith. In sum, the schools of science and religion are not, after all, foils. They can be a method of helping to explain the other, as Winter explained through his article. When taken as allegory, Adam and Eve provide what seems to be an accurate depiction of what early life could have been with, as man discovered what he was capable of.

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