
Racial Profiling by Law Enforcement Essay

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Just what is racial profiling? Racial profiling is a law enforcement and security agency practice that encourages officers to stop, search, and investigate people based on race, ethnicity, nationality or religion. While racial profiling is most commonly committed against ethnic minorities, many instances of racial profiling occur in reaction to specific crimes, making any racial or cultural group subject to more intensive scrutiny by the authorities. ( This is what I think bout racial profiling, it like it occurs when the police targets someone for investigation on the basis of that person's race, national origin, or ethnicity. Examples are the use of race to determine which drivers to stop for minor traffic …show more content…

Innocent people are being arrested and even killed on suspicions and because they fit the profile.
Blacks have been the main suspects of racial profiling. Tens of thousands of black motorist on highways across the country are victims of racial profiling. Black drivers account for 26.2 percent of stops resulting from the tallying computers, the numbers of entries made were about 659,000 short from the number or citations issued ( A more than likely explanation is that the officers are not filling out the forms. The officers couldn't be trusted to log the correct information on the forms. This program is unacceptable and inaccurate being that the data was collected improperly. Similarly, to control the racial profile of foreigners, the national government thought of providing national ID cards. This plan too would do little to combat terrorism or reduce profiling.
Conflict theory maintains that the privileged, acting on the perception of threat, will use the crime control apparatus of the state to restrain and limit those who threaten their interests. Practically, this means that one should expect more aggressive law enforcement practices in areas with greater percentages of poor and non-White citizens. This ‘threat hypothesis’ has been tested in several areas of American policing. (M. Petrocelli/ Journal of Criminal Justice 31)
A solution that everyone can use to prevent racial

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