
Racial Profiling by Police Essay

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There are many types of racism in America that cause people to make accusations against law enforcement for discrimination. One type of racism is racial profiling. It is a strategy that encourages police officers to stop and question minorities only because of their race. It takes place in a variety of routine police encounters. Unmotivated searches occur everyday among the minority groups. Could you imagine waking up and being scared to walk outside your house because of the color of your skin? This is a fear of almost everyone belonging to a minority group. This continues to be a widespread problem throughout the country.

This type of racism is a fairly new system that police began to use in the times of segregation. …show more content…

You are more likely to be stopped, searched, arrested, or imprisoned if you are a minority. Discriminatory police stops have reached great extent in recent years.

Media tends to cover police racial profiling although they have failed to recognize their own practice of media racial profiling. Racial profiles projected are indirectly related to punitive public policies giving the mainstream news media the 'out' of deniability (Eisenstein and Jacob 30). Media tends to over-represent the number of black people in the issue and becomes black stigmatized and is further racialized (Eisenstein and Jacob 30). A study was done by Physician Leadership on National Drug Policy. It showed drug addicts are not primarily members of minority racial and ethnic groups and Caucasians are more likely to be addicted (Graham 62). These findings were never covered by Time, U.S. News and World Report, and Newsweek. News media plays a major role in promoting racial stereotypes.

Driving a car, walking down the street, or even sightseeing now is no longer safe for some people. In many cities across the United States, if you are African-American or of "color", you will typically have a hard time doing this without being harassed. The excuse for this harassment is again, the U.S. is supposedly fighting "The War on Drugs" and is right away pointed towards minorities. When a police officer sees a young black man in a new expensive car he suspects that the man is

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