
Pros And Cons Of Social Media Activism

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What’s on your mind? The Pros and Cons of Social Media Activism Nowadays, social media is practically a staple in everyone’s lives. While some use it solely to stay in touch with friends or family, others wouldn’t even know the latest of current events if they didn’t have their phone notifying them that their friends are talking about it. The Internet and social media have bred a new generation of socially-aware people which has given them a platform to learn and share on. Because this generation’s growth is largely-based online and through technology, it has formed a new brand of social activism. While some feel social media has made it too easy to claim a movement or position, others believe that it is what we need to spread a message …show more content…

I get any and all of my information from news applications or social media. When the protests and riots began, twitter was the only place I had heard about it. There were countless live streams and people constantly updating their profile with what they saw unfolding. Being able to directly witness the tragic events that were occurring, as they were occurring, gave opportunity for those who could not physically help to spread the message of what was happening, share fundraisers to help victims, or even help extend the reach of a location for safe shelter. None of this would have been possible without social media platforms to reach out on. It’s easy to understand why people think that social media activism is “lazy”, "We found that when consumers gave public support, they were no more likely to provide more meaningful support for the cause than if someone was just randomly asked for the larger request." (Activism or Slacktivism) The worst thing that comes from social opinions and organizations being so easily-accessible on the web is people giving a simple “like” or share and that being the extent of their support. While this can be discouraging, there are still many people the page or tweet can reach and influence. Someone can see that their friend liked a page in support of Black Lives Matter or something similar, and even a small gesture like that can convince them to join the cause. That difference

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