
Malcom Gladwell's Small Change

Decent Essays

In Malcom Gladwell’s “Small Change: Why the Revolution Will Not be Retweeted” he argues that social media has negatively impacted activism. For the most part, I disagree with his argument, however I do disagree with some of his points. He uses multiple examples of protests from the past, like the Mississippi Freedom Summer Project in 1964, and Martin Luther King Jr.’s movement, the sit-in in the Greensboro case, which quickly spread like wild fire from four college students to thousands of people all over the country simply by using strong connections unlike those online today. Gladwell also uses examples of terrorist groups like the ones in Afghanistan, the Red Brigades in Italy, and even the movement that led to the tear down of the Berlin …show more content…

However, at the same time, he claims that the powerless cannot achieve anything without the help from the big guy. He believes that any type of movement that uses social media as its main platform simply cannot have a “leader” and can never have a strong strategy. Gladwell’s argument is extremely one sided. The majority of the points he claims are all the postives of activism before social media and the few times he brings up activism on social media, it is incredibly negative. His main point is that social media is the weaker platform because it is simple and fast. It allows people to think that they are helping and becoming a part of a movement simply because they clicked a …show more content…

I believe that social media isn’t the best platform for protesting because it does allow us to click like or share and move on from it. It allows us to have a false sense of accomplishment when in reality, it really does nothing but spread the issue at point. I believe that we should in a way combine the two platforms, face-to-face and online. In the article “The Case for Social Media and Hashtag Activism” Sabina Khan-Ibarra makes the statement “As an activist, I saw social media as an opportunity to spread the word about various causes at a faster rate, and to a bigger number of people, than through traditional methods.” This is the main reason I believe that social media is extremely useful for activism, in mere seconds, your message can be reached by millions upon millions of people. Khan-Ibarra makes another fantastic point that many things in the world that people wouldn’t have dreamed of ever changing, have changed. Things like how we get out news, now newspapers are becoming rarer and rarer. At least the original form of the newspaper is, while now there are hundreds of newspapers that are exclusively online. The way we receive and send business and personal letters are much different now too. Now you can send and receive a response to your letter in a fraction of the time it would take for the recipient to even receive the letter. Our world is changing because of technology and social media, becoming more productive as

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