
Precious Is Demeaned: Film Analysis

Decent Essays

In Felicia R. Lee’s To Blacks, Precious Is ‘Demeaned’ or ‘Angelic’ on the New York Times, she claims that there was controversy within the meaning of the movie. In this article some people feel as if African Americans are not always depicted in the right light. As opposed to have positive movies show the lifestyles of Africans and Americans, society continuously want to focus on the negative aspects of being in an African American family.There are some similarities between Felicia R. Lee’s To Blacks, Precious Is ‘Demeaned’ or ‘Angelic’ and the movie Precious directed by Lee Daniels.
In Felicia R. Lee’s To Blacks, Precious Is ‘Demeaned’ or ‘Angelic’, this analysis talks a lot of what people were thinking when this movie first came to light.

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