
Poverty In America

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Poverty is more than lacking monetary value for daily needs, which means that poverty prevention must give adequate attention to the non-economic factors which affect the impoverished. One cannot look at the spokes of poverty without recognizing the spiritual poverty that essentially underlies all of poverty. Nearly four fifths of the world’s children grow up with no knowledge of God, resulting in a catastrophic spiritual poverty. Without God many feel they lack purpose and when one lacks a purpose they are deprived of a drive to fulfill that purpose. This lack of drive contributes directly to the disintegration of Aristotle’s ideal citizen. With no drive, there is no self-sufficiency, and with no self-sufficiency there is no independence …show more content…

Too many people trust the safety net of welfare to catch them, rather than building a self-sufficient life with similar personal provisions.
The tension between liberalism and conservative lies chiefly in the disappointment that the liberals are unable to attain the ‘freewheeling Rawlsian-scale’ redistribution it craves, while the conservatives cannot completely abolish the entire welfare state. For conservatives, complaints against the welfare state fall into two categories: the practical concerns- namely the high cost and the abuse of the system they see occurring -and the philosophical concern that the welfare state is wrong in principle, because it is wrong to take from one person to give to another. They would argue that when dealing with private citizens this is called theft, but when dealing with the government it is masked as transfer payment and income security. {Transition here to wanting to fix this problem: separate into two types of reform based on the two problems) Some tend to believe that if their denunciation of the welfare state is shouted louder than people will change their minds. Voegeli …show more content…

Who is to decide what is mandatory to an individual’s happiness? While some things may be conducive to a decent life, they are not rights and therefore the government need not provide them. Happiness is one of those things. The progressive left often preaches a message of egalitarianism, the removing of all inequalities. What some tend to forget though is that the inequalities and innate competition of humans are primary drives in humanity. The danger liberalism poses to the American experiment comes from its disposition to deplete rather than replenish the capital required for self-government (Voegeli). Our founding fathers understood that the capital required for self-government was not just money, but

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