
Poverty In The United States

Decent Essays

An issue that impacts the world globally is poverty. Poverty is a problem that is not to be taken likely. Poverty affects almost the majority of the world's population, and it can turn into hate, lust and other things that can affect family, friends, cities, government, and even nations. Take Germany for example. During the era of WWII, the Germans started to go down an economic slump and recession because of the harsh Treaty of Versailles that France and Britain dictated on. Corrupt leaders in Germany influenced the poor that Jews were the reason for the loss of the first World War. Because the people were tired of living in poverty, they decided to believe these so-called "leaders" and scapegoat the Jews, and they did not take the acceptance …show more content…

In the late 1800's, the South was very unhappy about the North's demand for more taxes and later went into the split of the states. After the Civil War, the South's economy was failing and the North had to help them get back up to their feet. This is an example of helping those falling into poverty getting help from others, like a community. Poverty in Sudan, Nigeria, Ghana, China, India, and the Middle East nations have shown that poverty is everywhere. Poverty in Sudan, Nigeria, and Ghana have risen there because of violence happening in these nations. In Sudan, a large civil war took place from 1983 to 2005, that split Sudan in two. Livestock, who were considered as wealth in the nation have been killed or taken by those fighting in the war. Many homes were lost during this war and many more people fell into poverty because of the war. In the coast of West Africa, many have to rob cargo ships or smaller ships just to make a living. After the Cold War, when the Soviet Union ceased to exist, Russia's economy had stooped very low because of military and nuclear spending. When this happened, the U.S helped them get back up to their feet, saving tens of thousands of

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