
Policies Of The Setting Protecting Children

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Policies of the setting Protecting Children and Young People: Framework for Scotland Scottish Executive 2004.

A policy is an agreement for both employees and managers in a setting, the policies provide guidance for employees also a point of reference for managers if there are ever put into a situation where they have to make a professional or ethical decision. All children as well as young people within Scotland have the right to be in a safe environment and to be protected from harm. Furthermore, The adults that work with children and young people have a role to play so that children as well as young people live their lives safely, in a setting where the workers must know the guidelines in that certain setting. However, the workers must …show more content…

The legislation establish guidelines to support children as well as young people, the legislation sets out procedures so that the children are protected and their needs are met, it allows children to be aware of what is expected from treatment they are to get from professionals, multi-agenises and other provisions that work with children and young people. This can help justify responses where
Strengths, Strength of the policies is that equality, when following a policy the decisions that are made will be fair, because the decision would be policy based and not bias. Another strength in work settings where the employees will be working with vulnerable children or young people the individual will sign a sheet stating that they have read the policy of a setting and how to apply and follow what they have read. So for future reference it can be used. Weakness, If they employee has not acknowledged the policy then it result them not knowing how to follow legislations. When making decisions it can be bias, children and young people will be put at risk because the individual will not know what to do if they are put into a situation where it requires them to know the policy. overall, policies are intended to support as well as assist when making decisions in uncertain situations as a result form this they limit flexibility to making decisions.

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