
Police Officer : Mental Fortitude And Resilience Of Police Officers

Decent Essays

An police officer have many duties to do.They have to responded 911 calls, investigate breaks in ,making arrest, direct traffic, and give first aid to victims in need. Most of the time, they are generally the first to respond to any emergency. Also, they are commissioned to keep citizens safe 24 hours a day and seven days a week. They not only have to protect the citizens, but they also have to protect themselves because being a police officer is very risky. Also officers incur a higher rate of illnesses and injury than the national average for others jobs. “Police work brings with it inherent danger and stress, so mental fortitude and resilience is important” (John, Ciaran 1).
Officers need to follow every law and shouldn’t show any favor or ill will based on race,sexuality,gender,religion,or age. Officers have more power,privileges, than the average citizens,even though they still have to treat them with respect. Also officers should be prepared to work on a flexible schedule because policemen are needed around the clock,so all the time. Officers need to have an ability to use good judgment and to problem solve, also capacity for engaging in teamwork and ability to collaborate. Officers need to have a good communication with people that most important in this job,so u can know more better the environment and who is within the place. Officers need to have a good stamina to endure what they need to do.”Police officers are also expected to be constantly

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