
Pocahontas Thesis

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Pocahontas was faced with an impossible choice. Betray her father and tribe or betray her English friends, especially one who was very dear to her, Captain John Smith. Her decision was an important one that would help shape the New World. Overcoming hatred between families, love at first sight, and doing anything to protect each other describes Pocahontas and John Smiths' unique and special relationship. Their story is one of a complicated relationship that began when John Smith and his expedition embarked on America. In 1607, the Englishmen arrived on the shores of Powhatan's empire. Pocahontas was only 12 at the time(Holler 81). Pocahontas was a young Indian princess. Her father, Chief Powhatan, was the powerful leader of the Powhatan tribe. Pocahontas was his favorite child and he adored her. However, Powhatan was known to display cruelty to anyone who challenged his authority. Pocahontas was a royal heiress to her peoples' attitudes, beliefs, and prejudices. It was expected that she would share in the tribes distrust of the white-skinned strangers and in her father's hatred of anyone who came to his land …show more content…

However, Pocahontas seemed to be an exception for him. In one of John Smith's recorded diaries, he described Pocahontas's kindness as the instrument that saved the colony from death(Holler 87). Throughout the book of Romeo and Juliet, the two both proclaimed their love for each other countless times so the other clearly understood how deep their love was. Both stories involved love at first sight. Although, in the story of Pocahontas and John Smith, they never openly reveal their feelings for each other. On the other hand, Romeo and Juliet are not shy about displaying their love for each other. Upon their first meeting, Romeo and Juliet flirt with each other and kiss. In both stories "love at first sight" differentiated in how it was displayed, but clearly their love was

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