
Persuasive Essay On Campus Safety

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In this article it was discussed the dual sided argument on whether having guns on campus is necessary or more of a safety issue than a benefit. This study used data from a Midwestern university to see the amount of support that was represented by faculty and students regarding campus safety procedures. Although attitudes significantly differed, student’s thoughts were similar towards faculty and staff on campus. But, the issues that were assumed to influence support for campus safety were not a reliable source. This suggested that the policymakers as well as state legislatures may consider the different opinions coming from the community on campus and the members before introducing disliked guidelines that could have little to no effectiveness.
The study was created from students, faculty, and staff from a Midwestern university with about 10,000 students registered on campus. The team assigned to conduct the research randomly selected courses that were held on campus and were scheduled to meet on two consecutive days during the semester of Spring 2013. Kyle et al., (2017). The instructors were emailed and asked for consent to run the survey to their class on a specific date. The research team ended up receiving access to forty different courses. Over the two chosen consecutive days, the research team administered the survey to the students in each of the classes. The students were let known that participation for this study was voluntary and if they wished to decline

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