
Personal Narrative Essay : Moving Away From A Home As A Home

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Moving away from the place that one calls home is a hard situation, especially for a child at a young age. I lived in Brookhaven, Mississippi, and I was in the eighth grade. I had been in Brookhaven School District majority of my childhood. I had plenty of friends, and I was involved in school clubs. It was two weeks before the beginning of my freshman year when I got the news. My mom called me in her room and explained why I had to transfer schools. My sister has Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis, and she felt that it was best that we try a smaller school. I called up my friends to tell them the news, and we decided that these last few nights were going to be the best. We went out to bowl, had sleep overs, and had a special trip to the waterpark. I felt so happy to get that time with them, but moving day came and ruined all of the fun. That morning we packed up the house, said our goodbyes to our neighbors, and drove away. Though as I rode in the car towards a new beginning, I felt like I left behind the whole world behind me. I arrived at my new home in Bogue Chitto, Mississippi, and took in the new scenery around me. Everything was very green and there was not the sound of a city around me. Now I know that I might seem as though I am exaggerating because I was basically ten miles away from my original home, but to me I felt as though I was in a new world. I remembered all the fun memories I had with my friends that lived next door, and felt a shooting pain of sadness.

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