
Obesity Epidemic In America

Decent Essays

The obesity epidemic in America is a very serious and ongoing issue. Many Americans ask themselves what is the difference between obesity and being overweight? What can I do to fix it? As Americans people deserve to know what those differences are, how to prevent obesity, and what the actual causes of obesity are. Citizens also have the right to know the effects of obesity and the solutions to obesity.

“One should eat to live, not live to eat.” –Cicero, Roman

Americans need to know what the differences are between obesity and being overweight… Knowing what obesity is and the differences is has from being overweight can be very important, and life changing. If people understand what these differences are then they can find out if they are …show more content…

Knowing the causes to obesity are important. Some causes of obesity are thought of off the bat. But some causes aren’t all that well known. Researchers have found many causes to the obesity epidemic in the U.S. Two main causes to obesity are added sugars/processed foods and genetics, specifically with one’s parents and grandparents. The last cause of obesity is the American government. Many citizens of the U.S think that all sugar is bad. This statement is not true. As stated in “ Sugar is in so many of the foods we eat. It’s loaded into our granola and our juice, our BBQ sauce and salad dressing. Some ¾ of packaged foods and drinks in the US now carry caloric or low-calorie sweeteners.” In a healthy diet an American should consume roughly 6-9 teaspoons of added sugars. However the average in America is currently 41 teaspoons! Statistics have found that in the 13th century one pound of sugar would have costed roughly 360 eggs. Nowadays one pound of sugar would cost the same as only two eggs… this is a serious problem. The 1980’s was the national start of making and selling “low fat” products such as milk. In all reality this was also when the lowered the fat levels and raised the sugar levels sky high. As a result of extreme amounts of sugar in products it has given scientists evidence to prove that sugar is 8x more addictive than cocaine. Another cause of obesity is

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