
Nacirema Culture Essay

Decent Essays

This is about a culture called Nacirema that is practiced in many different place and was brought to the attention of the Anthropologist attention by Professor Linton to talk about this culture that was poorly understood. The Nacirema is a type of culture that is summed up as that these people that believe in this culture that the human body is ugly and that the natural tendencies are meant to debilitate and cause disease. They are also big believes in rituals and ceremonies in the household to preform these ceremonies either as a family but in most cases it was privately. Where they would receive charms and other items form the medicine man of the community that would help with a certain problem. They would use these magic items to help with …show more content…

The thing that I find most compelling about this culture is how they have manage to stand the test of time with there harsh standards they have placed upon themselves do to their beliefs in these magical rituals and ceremonies. The one type of ritual that I think is the most interesting to me is the fact hat they believed in some of these magical rituals and ceremonies so much that they would actually sometimes toucher themselves to complete these rituals that are supposed to heal or help you but in the process bring unbelievable pain in some cases. Another thing that I found to actually be crude and unsetting is the fact that if you were sick they would literally quarantine you and if you don’t get better you are just left to die. Especially young children the fact they they would have a place designated for sick kids to basically go and die since younger kids have a lesser chance of surviving then adults do. The temple that was used was literally the place they kids where supposed to go to die. There were things that I found interesting and there are thing that I have strong feeling against because they go against my morals. These groups of humans and the culture that they believe in is very harsh due to all the different rituals and ceremonies that they have. The culture that they believe in also dictates

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