
My Hero: My Mom Is My Michigan Hero

Decent Essays

My mom is my Michigan hero. She motivates me to work hard in everything I do. For example, she makes me do my homework with her so she knows I try my hardest. She works very hard for our family, as well as my dad. She's taught me that even if I don’t enjoy something I should still try my hardest, because who knows, maybe I will end up liking it later on in life. An example of this is when she told me to try dirt biking, and I ended up falling in love with it. Sometimes we would just sit on our deck, and talk for a while. My mom does tons of things for me. For example, she makes me breakfast, lunch, and dinner. She also does my laundry and packs me food for school. She says that I can achieve any goal if I work hard enough at it. She supports

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