
My Favorite Vacation Essay

Decent Essays

One of my favorite vacations We were all watching tv there was a football game on. My dad got up and asked Graham, Dallas and I to go in to Graham's room. He told us that us three we're going to colorado if we didn't have anything important going on. None of us thought we had anything but it turns out that Dallas, who's a sophomore in high school, had too many test going on so that meant Dallas wasn't going. We were all pretty bummed but not enough to not go. Graham started packing right away. I didn't pack till last minute, that may have been a mistake. When school ended Dallas picked us up and I raced up stairs packing as fast as I could. In about an hour we had everything in the car and ready to go. We were off to colorado. Me and Graham were sitting in the back while our dad sat in the front. Our dad then gave us two options we could go straight to colorado or stay in a hotel. We all decided it was best to stay at a hotel by the time we got there it was almost 10 o’clock. We stopped at a hotel in Ellis Kansas. They had a pool and a hot tub just our luck it felt so good on our sore legs. Then we went straight to bed in surprised all of us how quickly we fell asleep. The next morning we ate breakfast there and continued to our destination. We had eight more hours me and my brother fell asleep for most of it we woke up just before we entered the mountains. There wasn't really any snow so we were all a little worried that we wouldn't be able to go on the mountain. We

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