
Manifest Destiny: Future Of The United States

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Manifest Destiny was the future of the United States. Which was the expansion from the East to the West part of the United States. The idea was to try and take over the land regardless of who was already settled there. This was the belief that Americans were sent by God to take over all of the land to the West. James K. Polk was the winner of the 1844 election. During this time he made three promises in which would be to annex Texas and acquire Oregon and California. This would then lead to issues with his promises. These issues were that Mexico and Texas had issues with slavery, Oregon was shared by Great Britain and Mexico did not want to give up California because it was their richest province. Due to Polk winning the election from Clay, …show more content…

The consequences of the Mexican-American war on the United States was that they received California from Mexico. Which then resulted into the Gold Rush, making the United States …show more content…

The Compromise of 1850 was to try and solve the issue caused by President Zachary Taylor in which he decided that all of the new states acquired into the United States would be free. This then made the Southern states extremely angry. Shortly after after, President Taylor passed away from food poisoning. This then made Vice President Fillmore, President and then a man by the name of Henry Clay proposed the Compromise of 1850 trying to resolve the problem. The compromise state six important bills; California would be a free state, New Mexico could decide for themselves if they wanted to be a slave state, The United States would pay the state of Texas for their loss of land due to the border dispute with New Mexico, slave trade in Washington D.C would then be abolished and tighter laws on fugitive slaves would be placed. This would then make everyone in the North be on the look out of fugitive slaves, which would then send them back to their rightful owners. This is significant to what we are learning because it opens back up the issue of slavery and which then leads to the Civil

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