
Mandatory Reporting Essay

Good Essays

PEARSON (pages 169-171)

 Mandatory reporting refers to a legal requirement to report an act, event, or situation that is designated by state or local law as a reportable event
 all states mandate the reporting of certain vital statistics such as births and deaths
 many states require reporting of abortions and neonatal deaths
 federal and states laws mandate the reporting of communicable disease, including venereal diseases

 Abuse or neglect of minors and older adults
 abuse or suspected abuse of vulnerable individuals is mandated to be reported in most states
 nurse reports the required information through the …show more content…

t the relevant facts to the Board of Nursing (BON)
 The reporting forms available online
 NPA spells out any formal action the board may take, and it usually requires clear convincing evidence
 Many complaints are resolved through informal processes; in other instances, a formal administrative hearing is held
 Nurse has a right to due process
 Nurse is informed of any allegations regarding his or her practice
 Nurse has the opportunity to respond to and defend against these allegations
 The matter is heard by a fair and impartial body
 An immunity clause protects individuals who make a report unless the reporting person knew the report was false or acted with reckless disregard, without concern for the validity of the allegations made in the report
 Nurses have a legal obligation to report conduct that is incompetent, unethical, and illegal
 This includes reporting violence, abuse or neglect towards clients by other nurses and extends to reporting conduct involving third parties, including family members and other healthcare providers

 Mandatory Reporting of Certain Injuries and Illnesses
 Mandatory reporting of infectious conditions is a cornerstone of maintaining public health
 Since 1878, the US Public Health System has been collecting information on infectious conditions for the purpose of early identification and control of massive outbreaks, including, when necessary, instituting quarantines
 High profile diseases and threats of

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