
Managing Remote Workers

Better Essays

Kaytrina Lewis
Miller-Motte College Online
Kaytrina Lewis
Miller-Motte College Online
In this day and age, many companies are allowing people to work from home to expand their business. The people that mange these workers face many challenges. This paper addresses some of the issues and discusses ways to keep remote workers engaged.
In this day and age, many companies are allowing people to work from home to expand their business. The people that mange these workers face many challenges. This paper addresses some of the issues and discusses ways to keep remote workers engaged.
Managing Remote Workers
Keeping Telecommuters on the Job
Managing Remote Workers
Keeping Telecommuters on the Job

Managing Remote …show more content…

If these occurrences takes place on a regular basis, the company may rethink about having employees telecommute. Company rules should be explained in detail and very carefully so there will not be any misunderstandings. * * * Inspiring team members * The employee has been on the job for several weeks. They have completed training successfully and have settled into the job. You remember the skills and previous jobs from reviewing their resume. You are aware this employee has other options. How do you inspire them to stay with your company? Does the company provide any bonuses or incentives? Do they promote from within? Remote employees should be afforded the same recognition as workers that are in an actual office -- even spotting minor accomplishments may keep your co-workers engaged. If a teleworker went over and beyond their job duties to assist a teammate on a project, recognize their efforts with emails to the staff, and ensure they receive a copy of the group email (Munroe, 2014). * Everyone is not cut out to be a remote worker. People who are self-starters, savvy with the computer and do not have many distractions are prone to do well with a telecommuting job. When interviewing someone for this position. It should be emphasized that distractions will not be tolerated. Also employees should have a place that is dedicated for their office. * Performance reviews are an

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