
business organisation has adapted its working arrangements to accommodate legislation relating to rights and responsibilities of employees and employers.

Satisfactory Essays

D1: Evaluate the extent to which a selected business organisation has adapted its working arrangements to accommodate legislation relating to rights and responsibilities of employees and employers.
Minimum wage, flexible working provision, disability provisions and holiday entitlement are procedures which are taken into consideration with legislation to rights and responsibility. I am going to evaluate these two and state what NHS did in relation to these right and responsibilities laws.
The minimum wage requires employers to pay their employees a minimum amount of money which is based on the current version of the law, which is raised every year to adjust the living costs. There are some advantages and …show more content…

Many people work in telecommuting jobs where all they really need is a place to sit and a computer with internet connection. Other businesses allow workers to work from home or set them a set of working hours on site.
Ability to arrange workday around personal obligations for example instead of working the normal shift from 8.00am to 5.00pm people can choose to work from 7.00 am to 4.00 pm and use that hour left for personal matters.
Increased productivity
Increased satisfaction
Decreased Absenteeism
Decreased overtime hours
Decreased employee turnover
Responsibility for time management is more persistent if specifically working from home
Employees and supervisors are not around to answer questions that you have to ask and also to keep you on track
Balance between family and work can be hard
Hard to be on task if arriving hour before, without any supervisors
Increased productivity depends on personal motivation and the workplace environment
NHS staff had flexible working provision before because it is a 24 hours service however, a the new changes were made by the Government to cut down budget, nurses had to work more for less, sometimes they had to stay overtimes but they did not get more money for this. In my opinion they should be able to have flexible working because it increases staff’s motivation and productivity which could benefit the organisation and the patient’s care would be better.

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