
John Proctor As A Hero In The Crucible By Arthur Miller

Decent Essays

The hardest option may be living a life as a lie, or dying to stay true to the truth. In this story The Crucible by Arthur Miller, John Proctor shows how a man can be a hero in spite of having some flaws. Through the story, John faces a lot of drama and many difficulties. Even though John Proctor is imperfect, he is still truthful, courageous, and a leader. As the story goes on, John Proctor foretells the truth to many people. John Proctor believes that “Hell and Heaven grapple our backs, and all our old pretenses ripped away. Gods icy wind will blow” (Miller 1276). This shows that karma reflects on the choices you make, unless you retaliate in a positive way. The reactions of the people were all based as a crowd and they all thought the same. John Proctor also observes his flaws with others “I speak my own sins; I cannot judge another” (Miller 1246).
John has emphasized that all of the wrongs that he has encountered, he does not wish to sadden another by highlighting their flaws. As a character, John only tries to bring out the good and hide the evil within the …show more content…

John’s persistency doesn’t end when it comes to making everything right “You bring down heaven and raise up a whore!” (Miller 1314). The truth comes out as John says those lines; he is making a perfect point because they believe Abigail’s word on anything they have said. As a group they only are causing more harm then it needs to be if they would just come clean. This was very unfair of the girls to put others lives in threat to save their own, which is their fault in the first place. But when John starts to rebel on his own he knows to “Show honor now, show then a stoney heart and sink with it” (Miller 1244). Since John has become true to what he believes, there shall be nothing that comes in between his mind and his morals. To become a leader takes mind, body, and soul; and that is exactly how John has proved

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