
Informative Speech On Head Injury

Decent Essays

Hello, I am Jennifer Riley and I am a student from University of Maryland. I hope all is well. I am writing to you concerning the impact of head injuries on soccer players.
Today injuries in sports is a common topic. A sprained ankle, broken finger, bruised knee are all afflictions commonly known to the players and spectators; however, not all are informed about the severity of head trauma. In sports, there are concussive incidents: hits to the head causing the brain to violently shake damaging brain cells to the point where they can no longer be used. In the game of soccer this can occur when colliding with another player or direct contact to the head. Recovery for athletes with concussions is generally quick, but in some scenarios symptoms …show more content…

For instance, Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy is a progressive degenerative disease commonly found in the brains of athletes with a known past of recurring brain distress. The injury ignites a buildup of the abnormal tau protein, causing a progressive worsening of the mental state. Previous recorded cases have shown the location of damage was significant as well as remarkably distinct from other damaged brains. Nonetheless, not all athletes with head injuries are diagnosed with CTE. The symptoms of this disorder are very similar to those of dementia and Alzheimer’s disease. The most prevalent indicators include impulse control problems, aggression, depression, and impaired judgement. These symptoms usually begin many years after a person’s involvement in athletics.
Brain trauma is extremely dangerous and in some cases fatal. It is imperative for anyone participating in sports to learn the signs and symptoms of a concussion as well as the long-term effects. Educating the youth of these consequences will teach them that it is key to abstain from high intensity, contact sports until completely healed to ensure their best possible health. Thank you for your time and I hope to hear from you

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