
Sports-Related Concussions

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More than 300,000 sports-related concussions are reported each year in the United States, and although the awareness of concussions and other head injuries is rising, concussions are still very dangerous to young athletes. Some may say that after an athlete receives a concussion, they just have to wait until the obvious, and most common symptoms like dizziness and nausea subside before they can play again; with medication, and constant rest, this may only take 2 weeks, however, depending on the severity of the injury, there could be some other underlying symptoms that are even more dangerous than the obvious ones. After a having a concussion, student athletes are also much more prone to a second, more severe, traumatic head injury (especially …show more content…

A mild concussion may only produce symptoms like, headaches, irritability, and other behaviors that are pretty common in the average teenager, anyway. However, if treated incorrectly, long term consequences can range from behavioral changes, to mood disturbances because a concussion effects the cognition and function of the brain for a certain period of time. More effects of a concussion include loss of the ability to focus, changes on personality, and some even struggle with with cognitive skills like attention and judgement. More time on the sidelines, gives the athlete more time to gain back all cognitive skills and get back to normal before resuming play. Studies have also shown that women are more prone to concussions than men due to their different body types, brain development, and some researchers even speculate that girls have smaller, weaker necks, which cause their heads to be more vulnerable to trauma. This is more proof that athletes, especially women, should wait longer periods of time before doing physical activity after a …show more content…

High school students are much more vulnerable to concussions than older students, and there is also proof that females are also more vulnerable because of physical differences between men and women. Although the symptoms of concussions should disappear within a week, there is a period in which the brain, and the athlete themselves are much more vulnerable to further injury. This is why those who suffer a severe head injury should wait a longer period of time to before going back on the field. Most athletes make a great recovery from most head injuries, as long as the correct precautions are taken; in the future, maybe the risk of concussions will seize

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