
Imagery In The Black Cat

Decent Essays

Edgar Allan Poe who wrote The Black Cat along with a bunch of other literary works is naturally a master at creating imagery as well as a certain mood that he wants his readers to get into their minds. The mood of this story would definitely be fright and uneasiness, Poe develops this mood by adding certain characters, events, places, and describing words to the story. Examples of these would be the black cat, murders, the cellar in the old building, and words such as swooning to bring certain effects into the scenes. “I took from my waistcoat-pocket a pen-knife, opened it, grasped the poor beast by the throat, and deliberately cut one of it’s eyes from the socket.” (7) This scene really gives us a vivid description of what goes on at this time. …show more content…

“The curtains of my bed were in flames.” (10) Even in the simplest of sentences, Poe has the ability to create such powerful images in our minds. Almost instantly after reading this sentence you get a picture in your mind of a huge fire and scrambling of people waking up to flames almost not being able to escape. So powerful. “It was a black cat -- a very large one -- fully as large as Pluto, and closely resembling him in every respect but one.” (16) Poe’s describing words, vocabulary, and attention grippers are extremely beneficial to the readers as demonstrated several times above. Edgar Allan Poe who wrote The Black Cat along with a bunch of other literary works is naturally a master at creating imagery as well as a certain mood that he wants his readers to get into their

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