
Illegal Immigration And The United States

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Illegal immigration has plagued the United States since immigration laws were created, and has worsened in recent history. Since Ronald Reagan’s Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986 provided amnesty for 3 million illegal aliens in exchange for increased border security, millions of people have entered the country illegally. Over the past 30 years, the illegal immigrant population of the country has more than doubled from 5 million in 1986 to over 11.5 million in 2015. It has become one of the most controversial political issues in America. While not every undocumented alien is a bad or dangerous person, illegal immigrants in general are a national security threat, harmful to the economy, and a burden on the social welfare system. The best solution to the illegal alien problem is to secure and enforce the border, purge American territory of every person unlawfully trespassing upon it, and reform the immigration system to make it easier for foreigners to enter the United States legally like people have done for centuries. Illegal immigration to the U.S. is out of control. Almost 20% of the world’s international migrants flock to a nation that consists of less than 5% of the world’s population. This is a huge threat to our security. Some people believe the threat is miniscule, because illegal immigrants commit crime at the same or a lower rate than native-born Americans, and it is unfair to deny a large group of people citizenship because of the crimes of a few. Law

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