
Illegal Immigration And The United States

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For ages, the United States has seemed to be the country where people seek to move to for a better life. The United States was built on immigrants. People have always migrated to the United States both legally and illegally. The main problem the country has face with immigrants is the amount that trespass the border illegally. Illegal immigration is the unlawful act of crossing a national border(Illegal Immigration Pros and Cons). The illegal immigrant population keeps growing at an annual average of about 300,000 people(Currie 10). In the recent year of 2014, there were about 11.3 million undocumented people living in the United States(Krogstad). Many have asked what harm they do to both the economy and the American citizen. Although there are many arguments as to how much harm they cause, there are as many arguments stating illegal immigration benefits the United States. Illegal immigration has a positive impact in the United States within the consumers, the working class, and the overall economy. A specific debate regarding the impacts illegal immigration has on the U.S. is whether illegal immigrants take American jobs, or not. One would argue that they do not take American jobs with the reasoning that they occupy jobs that do not require skill, and has a low pay making them jobs that Americans do not want, therefore it does not increase the labor market competition, but actually complements it. Businesses have shown to be more exceeding when there are multiple employees

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