
I Admire My Mother Essay

Decent Essays

When you look at my family right now, you can see that everyone is separated from each other. My mom and sister live in the states, my other sister lives in the Philippines, and I live here on Saipan with my father. My mother is the kind of person that can voice her opinions, one that can speak to people, and someone who can find a way through any situation. These are some of the reasons I admire my mother deeply. When you look at my mother, she is a lady of Asian descent who seemingly has a quiet and menacing aura. One thing I admire about my mom is the fact that she can speak her mind out, whether it was hurtful to one or not. I recall a time when we were at a big mall with a seemingly endless vast of clothing, which seemed to be Macy’s clothing shop if I recall correctly. We then entered the faded sliding door in which the intoxicating smell of sweet perfume assaulted my nostrils; the smell was extremely thick it seemed as if you could see the waft of perfume. This scent caused my mother to say “The smell here is horrid”, and the staff working there looked at my mother wondering “who was this lady who just insulted the …show more content…

During those adventurous trips I seem to notice that people often spoke to her. In just about anywhere, whether it may be a shop or a hospital, my mother seemed to run into people that knew her, including the dock with the big huge ships; someone seemed to have known my mother. I remember going to Managaha and my mom just stepped into a boat and asked a man to take us to Managaha, and he did. Apparently my mom was his first aid instructor, so he gave us a free ride there and back. I saw the glittering ocean and I smelled the fresh salty breeze, it was almost as if you could taste the air of salt. The ocean was a magical place, after we stayed at Managaha for a bit we returned home. My mother’s affable personality was one of her charming marks that attracted people to

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