
Human Resources : A Fundamental Department Of An Organization

Decent Essays

Human Resources is a fundamental department of an organisation; this is because it focuses on the management of the personnel within the company. Human resources has been identified as ‘the source of sustainable competitive advantage and success, this is true when human resources management policies and practices are implemented with the main strategies and objectives set by the company itself. Strategic human resources management emphasises the successfulness of combining policies, strategies and the overall organisational strategy’ (Altarawneh, 2016). Showing how important HR is in need to be able to adapt to the ever changing business environment to suit the needs of modern day organisations.

The human resources department of a company manages the wellbeing of the employees and the development and growth of the business. ‘Outcomes such as employee well-being, organizational effectiveness and wider societal contributions have long been the focus to argue that HRM can make a positive contribution to the organization and broader society’ (Becker and Smidt, 2016). Without experience within the human resources, it can be of a disadvantage of a company due to how vital it is. Altarawneh (2016, pg. 487) focuses on why implementing strategic human resources management is to an organisation, they state ‘strategic human resource management can be defined as, the pattern of planned human resource deployments and activities intended to enable the firm to achieve its goals’.

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