
Human Relation At Primark

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In Primark, the human relation is based on employees’ behaviour where they have their own needs but at the same time they have to comply with the company’s policy (Rodrigo, 2012). So it is the managers or supervisors’ job to solve such problems and to ensure both employee and the management able to comply in order to get a win-win situation as both gets what they want.

According to Rodrigo (2012), Primark’s human relation faces some issues that affect the employee performance that can be evaluated from their behaviour. Such behaviour can be caused by social factors such as customer service and security of the employee. The problem faced by the employee in human relation is the customer service where worker are not allow respond in a bad way which will make the customer to behave negatively and leave the shop which …show more content…

In Maslow’s need hierarchy, it is a theory of motivation which relates to people’s behaviour based on their needs to satisfy a progression of physiological, social and psychological needs (McLeod, 2014). There are five levels of needs which are Physiological, Safety, Social, Esteem and Self-actualisation level of needs. Based on issue, it affects the physiological needs of the pleasant working condition as employee will feel insecure knowing the fact that such situation is unavoidable and could cause stress and lose confidence in their work. This issue also affects the safety level of needs where the job security could be threat by the customer through lawsuit and in a worst case scenario, the employee could get fired just to satisfied the customer self-esteem and save the business reputation. It is unethical and may not entirely possible but the like hood to happen to be still quite certain, therefore, such situation could make employee feel insecure about their

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