
How Stories Came To Earth, And How Stories Came To Earth

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Imagine a world without stories, nothing to read, nothing to learn, and right now you know nothing. In the story “How Stories Came to Earth” that was exactly their problem. A long time ago there were no stories on earth for anyone to tell before the First Spider, Kwaku Anansi came along and spread them through his webs. Both “How Stories Came to Earth” and “Master Cat” are trickster tales, In mythology, and in the study of folklore and religion, a trickster is a character in a story, which exhibits a great degree of intellect or secret knowledge, and uses it to play tricks or otherwise disobey normal rules and conventional behaviour. Between “How Stories Came to Earth” and “Master Cat” there are more differences than similarities.
There are many differences between “How Stories Came to Earth” and “Master Cat”. The first difference is what they’re achieving is beneficial or not beneficial to society. For example, in “How Stories Came to Earth,” Anansi’s goal was to achieve the stories from the sky-god, Nyame. Anansi went through a series of challenges with the help of his wife, Aso, but eventually achieved the goal of getting the stories, it says in the story, “And so, child, stories came to Earth because of the great cunning of Kwaku Anansi, and his wife, Aso…..Everywhere you look, they spin their webs for all to see.” Benefiting society by giving knowledge to everyone. While Master cat is only benefiting himself and his master, Marquis de Carabas, by tricking the king into

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