
Essay about Comparing Brothers are the Same versus Through the Tunnel

Decent Essays

The two stories "Brothers are the Same" by Beryl Markham and "Through the Tunnel" by Doris Lessing are both about growing up and entering adulthood. "Brothers are the Same" about a boy named Temas trying to prove he was tough and could be called an adult. In a similar situation in "Through the Tunnel" a young boy named Jerry is determined to go through an underwater tunnel that he saw some older French boys go through. He wants to accomplish this goal to prove to himself that he could do it . The two stories share a similar theme, but the authors perspective on the topic differ.

The theme the two stories share is about growing up. In the story "Brothers are the Same" Temas had to attempt to slay a lion to prove to the Masai …show more content…

Jerry set up a goal to go through itbefore summer vacation ends. He admitted he was afraid of the tunnel, which it a steptowards being mature.

In "Brothers are the Same" Temas he had to prove to everyone that he was becoming an adult. Temas, faces a lion that represents honor, manhood, and a girl to gain the lacked self-pride he must now obtain. In "Through the Tunnel" for Jerry, he just wanted to determain wheather or not he could go through the tunnel . For Jerry, the tunnel and getting past it only represents confidence and having done something that seemed impossible. I think that both situations were a good way to show an example for growingup. The theme for both stories were very similar.

Although the themes were simlilar, the authors perspective on the topic differ.Beryl Markham thinks that a rite of passage has to be proven to other people. Doris Lessing disagrees. Her thought on the topic is that for it to be a rite of passage it just hasto be proven to yourself. As long as you know you achieved your goal, then its considered a right of passage. I agree with Lessing, because I feel as long as you know you did itthen, no one can tell you otherwise. You don't have to prove to anyone anything.

The stories "Brothers are the Same" by Beryl Markham and "Through the Tunnel" by Doris Lessing have some similarities, but also differ in some aspects. The theme for both stories are about growing up and reaching maturity. The authors

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