
How Can People Best Respond To Conflict

Decent Essays

Resolve that Conflict! We have all encountered a conflict with another person that has been difficult to resolve. The question is, how can people best respond to conflict? Conflict can arise in many different ways and is a part of everyday life. Therefore, the best thing to do is to learn how to deal with it in a positive manner. Some approaches include getting the different sides to address the conflict and resolve it through collaboration, and compromise. The different parties can make an effort to take on multiple viewpoints while discussing the most effective course of action. This helps establish an even ground to work from. If people respond to conflict by avoiding it, the issue remains unresolved and can result in a problem that …show more content…

During this process, all those involved take on the other’s viewpoints while discussing the most effective course of action. Robert Bolton points out that not interrupting and being silent are some of the best ways to allow the other party to express their feelings. The other person’s viewpoint should be taken into consideration. An effective way of expressing your viewpoint is to use “I messages,” in order to sound less confrontational. As Naomi Drew points out, ““I messages” are a tool for expressing how we feel without attacking or blaming.” On the other hand, “You Messages” can come across as blaming the other party which can lead to more conflict. Listening to what the other party has to say, and putting yourself in their shoes is an essential starting …show more content…

This involves analyzing the issue and determining what you want the outcome to be. Nancy Foster states that “Resolving conflicts is a creative act. There are many solutions to a single problem.” Addressing the conflict can be a positive experience for both sides because it helps them achieve the best results for everyone. If people do not address the problem directly, the situation can fester and escalate into a far more serious situation. According to Naomi Drew, “In this era of school and workplace shootings, road rage, airport rage, and even supermarket rage, knowing how to resolve conflicts can save a life.” Unresolved conflicts can lead to explosive arguments and potentially violent situations. A possible reason for avoiding conflict is that the parties feel uncomfortable and hope that turning their backs on it will make it go away. However, avoiding a conflict means that it is not resolved. If something has been swept under the rug it sits in the background and can come up again at any

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