
Groupon 's Relationship With Groupon Essay

Decent Essays

Groupon should build on its relationship with thousands of businesses to offer tools that will provide value to the business while at the same time, deeply integrating with Groupon itself. Since Groupon positions itself as being able to unlock thousands of unused capacity for a business, it should sell a suite of software services that will allow businesses to manage bookings, keep track of unused capacity and perform business analytics. Groupon would then be able to directly integrate their business model into this product by allowing businesses to offer Groupon coupons for unused space with a single click. Groupon’s vision is that they are an online website where any costumer, seemingly anywhere around the world, can purchase coupons at highly discounted rates, for items or services that they would originally pay full price for. Its mission is mainly based off of two things; its values and their promise (to the costumer). When it comes to their values, it all starts with the customer. Groupon is always striving to the best they can be, “Always imagining new ways to exceed the expectations of all our customers—both consumers looking for great experiences at a great value and merchants seeking solutions to attract more customers and run their businesses ' better.” (Groupon) Groupon also believes that great people make great companies. They believe that they’re “A home for creative, problem-solvers, and innovators alike—those with the passion and know-how to transform

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