
Marketing Plan For Groupon : Marketing Strategy

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Marketing Plan For Groupon
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1. Executive Summary
Groupon is a deal based business that brings customers discounted deals from the businesses. As a result of massive success and the growing competition, the business is faced with the option of either selling to Google or developing an effective marketing strategy for continuing its own. In the due context, the underlying report proposes a marketing plan for successfully dealing with the market challenges (Chatterjee, O”Keeffe, and Streiff, 2012).
Based on the market and situational analysis, the marketing plan for Groupon produces the internal, and external environmental analysis the report has identified the strategic future for the company. Based on the competitive advantage the report has made recommendations for the effective marketing in future with respect to product prices place and distribution of the business.
2. Introduction to the company The project Groupon was launched in the year 2008. The idea was launched for dealing with the already existing business The Point that was a platform for starting and pledging a campaign. Andrew Mason, the CEO of the company, started a group for making it more profitable as well as easier to manage a business in comparison with The Point.
Taking up features from the Dutch auction system relevant changes and

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