
Grant Proposal: A Case Study

Decent Essays

I have to admit most of the time I am always up for a challenge. However, preparing a well written successful grant proposal is just one of the many challenges to grant funding. I chose option A. a Coca-Cola local plant’s foundation grant for $20,000 to start a class at a local high school on career selection. I believe that it is best for someone like me without any experience to start out on a small scale by choosing a short term project with a public funder. My decision was based on the complicated policies and regulations that Dr. Crum describes in the Grants Managing Section. According to Crum, Federal Grants have numerous regulations, Congressional Acts, and Office Management and Budget Circulars that may have special grant exclusions and caveats. These exclusions and stipulations have specific guidelines that must be met in order to insure funds are spent appropriately. Managing federal grants can be a huge undertaking, especially for grantees with simultaneous grant management deadlines …show more content…

Many private funders request a simple report from their grantees at the end of the project period (Ward, 2010 p. 97). Developing a highway that runs through the Louisiana swamps may be more exhilarating than a high school health career selection course, but it comes at a much higher price tag and much more complicated logistics. With the school already on board and a teacher in place, it would just be a matter of developing an extensive evaluation process that would determine the effect of the class. Funding would be pretty simplistic since many small foundations only have one or two staff members to report to. They are also not governed by the same rules and regulations that federal funders are (Ward, 2010 p. 102). Due to their size private funders many of the same regulations that federal funders require and can be more flexible when it difficulties with the

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