
Gender Equality And Gender Inequality

Decent Essays

Women. We are the subordinate class. Our portrayal in the real world has proven this ‘fact’ to many. Many people ask how could a women even be considered an equal? With the lesser pay and respect we are given, it is not very surprising this question is being asked. Yet we are also growing up in the age of Oprah Winfrey, Hilary Clinton, Malala Yousafzai who all represent the strong and empowering qualities women hold. They fought to have a say, and now hold the respect of thousands. So the real question one must ask is not regarding how women can be considered equal, it is regarding as to why we are considered as lesser after having accomplished just as much as men, if not more? The gender gap places woman on a lower pedestal. We are continually receiving less pay, despite possessing similar knowledge and capabilities as men. An article from the World Economic Forum stated that the pay gap is widening and having the opposite effect than planned “despite [the] numerous initiatives to break glass ceilings and force salary disclosure.” This pressing issue is in dire need of a resolution. The gender gap not only threatens women’s individual rights, it violates the equal protection clause under the fourteenth amendment which promises to protect women from sex discrimination. With the equal protection clause in place that specifically declared the “equal protection of the laws,” one would have hoped that gender equality fell within this criteria, however that is not the case.

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