
Friar Lawrence Quotes

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Friar Lawrence was responsible for the demise of Romeo and Juliet. Firstly because, he married Romeo and Juliet way too quickly. Romeo was in love with Rosaline hours before he fell in love with Juliet and Friar Lawrence knew this. He told Romeo, ““Thy love did read by rote, that could not spell.../In one respect I’ll thy assistant be:/For this alliance may so happy prove/To turn your households’ rancour to pure love” (2.3. 88-92). In this quote, Friar Lawrence tells Romeo that he does not truly understand love because he went from loving Rosaline to loving Juliet so quickly, however, he still agrees to marry them. Friar Lawrence had no reason to act rash like Romeo and Juliet did. His only reason to marry Romeo and Juliet was to end the feud. …show more content…

Juliet is Lord Capulet’s only daughter and only child, making him really strict about who she marries. At first, Lord Capulet gave Juliet the choice of whether she wanted to marry Paris or not. Lord Capulet thought that Paris would be a great man for his only daughter to marry because of his social status, his wealth, and his relation to the Prince. Later in the play, without regard to Juliet’s feelings Lord Capulet forced Juliet to marry Paris and when Juliet disagreed, he yelled at her,“Hang thee, young baggage! Disobedient wretch!/ I tell thee what: get thee to church o' Thursday,/Or never after look me in the face” (3.5 160-162). Lord Capulet hates the Montagues, Juliet could not have told him that she was already married to his enemy’s son. Lord Capulet in this quote gave Juliet an ultimatum: either she marries Paris or he disowns her. Because Lord Capulet said this and made the decision that Juliet will marry Paris, Juliet went to the Friar to find a solution. The solution that ended up with her in the tomb where she killed herself. Tybalt was Lord Capulet’s nephew, his death made Lord Capulet emotional and caused his outburst at Juliet. Before being in grief, Lord Capulet thought that Juliet was too young to be married. Nonetheless his emotions and rash decisions led to his daughter’s death. After Tybalt’s death and Romeo’s banishment, Juliet was extremely depressed and would not stop crying. Thinking that it was only because of Tybalt’s death that Juliet is so upset, Lord Capulet changed the wedding date: “I’ll have this knot knit up [Wednesday] morning” (4.2 21-22). Friar Lawrence scheduled the plan to happen on Thursday, but since the wedding was moved up a day, it was ruined. Romeo did not receive the letter explaining the plan in time because there was not enough time to deliver it. Instead, Romeo was told that Juliet was dead from Balthasar. Because Romeo could not live without

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