
Five People You Meet In Heaven

Decent Essays

The Five People You Meet in Heaven is Mitch Albom’s second book, after Tuesdays With Morrie. What made this book my chosen read, is the strong first impression this book made on me. In my life, there have been several books that made a change in me. The Five People You Meet in Heaven is one of those. The earlier stated Tuesdays With Morrie qualifies to be in that category, but its effect pales in the emotional shock this book gave me. The Five People You Meet in Heaven talks about Eddie, an old man in his eighties working as a maintenance officer at somewhere he did not want, and yet where he could never leave. Eddie dies in a tragic accident trying to save a young girl, and awakes in heaven. In heaven, Eddie meets 5 people, each of which told him something about his life, allowing him to reflect. …show more content…

Now, let me share how. Now, I have always had an unnatural obsession with the term Death, after reading The Book Thief, yet another of my “turning points”. The Five People You Meet in Heaven might be a fiction, but it shared with me something no non-fiction book can do. Consider this: you throw a stone. The stone does nothing to you, but in throwing it, you eventually take the life of another. That is what this book has shown me. The butterfly effect. Something people often do not believe, but is true all the same. Our actions, no matter how small, affect something, somewhere.
And it is these actions, which lead to Eddie’s, as well as our own 5 people. For is life nothing but a giant jumble of choices, all strewn across our lifetimes? The choice, whether to let something go, or to sacrifice something else for it. People always want to have everything, despite us knowing that it is a foolish desire. For to obtain something, another must be sacrificed. The blooming of a flower, requires the sadness of those around it. To allow a man to live, sometimes all must be taken away from

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