
Five People You Meet In Heaven

Decent Essays

The Five People You Meet in Heaven Eddie the matenience man of Ruby Pier carnival seems like just typical old man, who struggles with the idea that he never lived up to his potential. However, after he dies, he is able to see his life through a different perspective, one of eternity, and realizes how unique and important his life has been. This closely echoes the truth found in the Catechism of the Catholic Church which says that only in heaven with Christ will we find our true identity and meaning of life. 1 Death is only the beginning for Eddie and his journey through the five “heavens” of people that his life has impacted demonstrates how intricately woven together every humanity is. As pilgrims, our view of suffering and day to day actions constricts our ability to see how God truly weaves human messiness together to create a beautiful tale of redemption. So, we must live for the destination, not for the journey, leaning on hope instead of complete understanding. Although as Catholics we cannot agree literally with the idea that every one …show more content…

Although some special effects are limited, overall they did not distract too greatly from the message of the movie. I would encourage my family and friends to watch this film, simply because it is filled with themes of truth that often are ignored in modern society. It does not leave one dreading death and the ensueing aftermath, but rather gives a perspective resounding with the Catholic's faith central message of hope without being “preachy”. Self-sacrifice and forgiveness are displayed as necessary and fruitful virtues for the human condition. Ultimately, the movie left me excited for heaven, but not a shallow heaven full of earthly comforts, but one where I will know and be known purely and wholly by God and

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