
Fidel Castro's Influence On Latin America

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Fidel Castro was a crucial influential leader in Cuban history right alongside his younger brother, Raúl Castro, whom stayed beside him while Fidel was leading the first Communist State in the Western Hemisphere. Together, the Castro brothers, along with Che Guevara, who aided in Castro’s Revolution to overthrow Fulgencio Batista and his military dictatorship in 1959, governed the island of Cuba since the downfall of Batista’s dictatorship. Fidel Castro caused many uprisings during his leadership that got the United States involved as well as other countries who were brought into the debates. He was known for his charismatic personality, strong ideologies, as well as his communist views for nationalism and was not phased by many threats. …show more content…

Some argue that the United States influence on Latin America also made an impact on how Fidel Castro ruled his nation at the time. As Fidel came into power and according to Will Grant, “Under the reforms, all landholdings over a certain size were confiscated and redistributed as small plots to the peasant farmers or turned into state-run communes. All major landowners —from wealthy Cuban families to foreign multinationals like Coca-Cola and the United Fruit Company —had their lands nationalized” (Grant). The United States were constantly interfering and worrying about what this new leader may do and the United States was definitely not thrilled when Castro began to alter their claim on certain companies and land throughout Cuba. On October 19, 1960, just after Castro seized power in 1959 and with President Eisenhower in command of the United States, Eisenhower insisted upon the United States Embargo to cut off ties and trade between the United States and Cuba which also led to the humiliation at the Bay of Pigs in 1961 as well as the issue of the Cuban Missile Crisis in October of 1962. The United States was Cuba’s main trading partner for years. However, Fidel was not threatened even by this as he continued to persevere as he went right to the Soviet Union to obtain another large ally. An ally that he certainly knew that he could be dependent upon. This in itself should show the devious persistence that Fidel had as he went throughout the years. However, when Fidel stepped down from his position in 2008 and Raúl took over, Raúl ended up loosening his older brother’s grip. Some were shocked when Raúl altered some of his brother’s ideologies regarding the economic system that they had set up years prior in Cuba. The transitions definitely would benefit the Cuban people along with tourism. According to Wilkinson, He allowed for the Cuban people to open up their own small, private

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