
Fidel Castro As A Hero

Decent Essays

Fidel Castro: A True Revolutionary
Every time someone says the word “hero”, everyone always thinks of supernatural beings with incredible physical strength, whether they be fictional or not. Soldiers, volunteers, firefighters, and policemen are considered to be heros but heroism does not always need strength and wisdom to define a hero. Heros can be ordinary people that go out of their way for someone, someone that we look up to, or, according to Joseph Campbell, a hero is someone “who is willing to sacrifice himself for others.” While this causes major controversy, Fidel Castro is someone I consider a hero, a revolutionary hero.
The Ordinary World
According to Joseph Campbell, there are 12 stages of a hero’s journey, although not all 12 stages are used. The first stage of a hero’s journey is the call to adventure which means that heros must be removed from their everyday life to embark on a quest. Fidel Castro journeyed on a quest because when he was younger, he participated in the Bogotazo, “which were a series of riots in Bogotá, Colombia following with the assassination of Jorge E. Gaitán.” (“Encyclopedia of World…”). Since not all hero’s go through all 12 stages, Fidel Castro was one few of those who did not go through the refusal stage, he accepted the call.
The Call to Adventure
He accepted the call and went into action because he was “extremely passionate about social justice that he traveled to the Dominican Republic to attempt to overthrow the country’s

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