
Exploration Of Cultural Identity Formation

Decent Essays

I. Exploration of Cultural Identity Formation
How do I define Race and Culture?
Race can first be classified by the geographic place of origin of a people group, but can also be visually identified by shared physical characteristics such as skin color, hair color and texture, and facial features. When defining culture, I think of my own which encompasses: traditions and customs; general values and ethics; political influences; religious influences; technological influences; historical influences; gender roles/expectations; social class; social status; economic status; education; language, including its proper and improper use; and something I may have overlooked prior to my required readings for this paper- race.
What is my Race?
My race …show more content…

After reading chapters five and six in the Sue text, I feel that minority groups understand what it means to be “White” much better than the majority of White people do. I believe this is because they have to deal with what it means to not be White on a daily basis, in a culture where whiteness equates to power and privilege. White privilege unfortunately works like that- Whites are unaware of its oppressive force, as it does not affect us- because we created it. If I am honest, I have realized that I was unaware of many aspects of my own White privilege. For the purpose of this paper, since political correctness infers that Caucasian is an outdated term (Dewan, 2013), and to answer what my race is accurately, I am White.
What is my Culture?
Due to page limitations, I will refrain from diving to deep into my cultural makeup, and only contribute the valuable information that is applicable to the purpose of this paper. The following addresses my answer: I am a twenty-two year old young adult who is a member of Generation Y; I am a heterosexual female; I am White; my religion is Christianity; my morals and values are based on the Christian principles with which I was raised, and grew to value independently (with scrutiny regarding certain areas); I am growing in my political understanding,

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