
Cultural Identity

Decent Essays

According to the Hay’s addressing model, my cultural identities as a Latina woman of low socioeconomic status makes me part of non-dominant groups. My identities set me apart from the majority population which means that; I am perceived inferior than those of dominant groups. My lineage constitutes of indigenous ancestors that like me, share a darker skin tone that till this day is seen imperfect. My parents immigrated to this country in 1996, a year before I was born. My father and his family originate from Oaxaca, Mexico which is one of the most southern states in Mexico. My mother and her family originate from Michoacán, Mexico but grew up in Baja California. Like many Mexican immigrants, my parents came to this country to work and to …show more content…

I realized how there were a lot fewer brown students in this whole city than in my high school. This phenomenon of being culture shocked made me realize that I just entered a school where I wasn 't just a student, but I was female Latina from a low socioeconomic background. College has made my identities stand out and because of it, they are more important and relevant in my everyday life. Race is based on how different I physically look between other groups of people. I am then part of the Latinx group. My ethnicity is belonging to a group where I share commonalities like language, history, and traditions. I fit in best with the Mexican American group. Being part of the Latinx community is much easier than being part of the Mexican American community because it 's a lot broader and many people can fit under this umbrella. The conflict with being part of the Mexican American group is not really being able to fit under Mexican culture or American culture. It is like a limbo type scenario. A familiar saying that many Mexican American youth say is, “Ni de aqui, ni de alla” translating to “not from here nor from there.” As Latina woman of lower-class status my experiences have shaped me enormously. Within the Latinx culture the expectations between men and women are conflicting in today’s views and movements but, my parents instilled the expectations that they also grow up in. As a Latina female, I grow up learning how to clean, cook, and take care

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