
Evolution Of Policing Essay

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To start off i will talk about the important aspects of the history and evolution of policing and the effects of it on society.Throughout the history of civilization,societies have fought for protection for their family and members.Everyone in our society shares equal responsibility for providing each one of us protection.Transitional policing can occur when the police functions are assigned to certain members of the society.The transition to formal policing is where certain members of the community has good responsibility for protection and also social control.Societies developed into states and governments. To define state its a ‘’political creation that has the recognized authority to use and maintain a monopoly on the use of force within a clearly defined jurisdiction.’’ While a government is a political institution of the state it uses organization, bureaucracy, and formality to regulate social interactions. …show more content…

The slave patrols were responsible for controlling, returning, and punishing slaves that had ranaway or tried to runaway. The slave patrol helped and maintained the orders in southern

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