
Ethnographic Report Essay

Decent Essays

Dimensions Question Answers
Space Can you describe in detail all the places? Study tables. Study room. Meeting room. Internet stations. Check-out counters. Information counters. Children sections. Single lounge chairs. Restroom. Car park
Object. Can you describe in detail all the objects? Check-out, check-in stations. Vendor machines. PCs for internet use. Maps. Books. Magazines. Newspapers. Shelfs.
Act Can you describe in detail all the acts that people do? Check-in. Check-out. Buy drinks, snacks. Fill up water bottle

Activity Can you describe in detail all the activities? Working on the laptop. Reading navigating on the mobile phone. Listening to music. Watching video on the PC.
Discussing in a group. Sleeping. Reading with children.
Making an inquiry. Using the restroom. Waiting. Parking
Event Can you describe in detail all the events? Book talk. Opera preview.
Opening of ideaX Makerspace.

Time Can you describe in detail all the time periods? Opening, closing
Sequences. Stages

Actor …show more content…

After identifying a social situation, performing several sessions of participant observations at the library, and making ethnographic records, the researcher developed a set of questions to be answered during grand tour and mini-tour observations, by using a descriptive question matrix comprising of nine dimensions such as the space, object, act, activity, event, time, actor, goal, and feeling.
In addition, the cultural dimension of uncertainty avoidance is discussed in relation to the social situation at the library and the organization culture of KCLS. It was observed that the patrons in the library exhibit culture of low uncertainty avoidance. Also, as KCLS demonstrates a culture of having few rules and little structure, being entrepreneurial and risk taking, and remaining cool, calm, and collected, it is said to have a culture of low uncertainty

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