
Ethics And Legal Liabilities Culminate Together

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We all have our own biases and values when it comes to ethics. However, in this case it is interesting to see how ethics and legal liabilities culminate together, forcing a difficult recommendation to provide the best solution. To better understand this case, I will first look into the facts and ethical issues of presented within the material. Based on the facts, I will then discuss multiple options for what to do and how these decisions will effect all stakeholders involved. Finally, I will present based on my findings a recommendation. After reading through the material, I have gathered the following facts. Greg, your cousin has overheard his dad Jack, your uncle talking about moving revenues onto 2016 financials. You are a CPA at the …show more content…

However, this implies an ethical question on your part. How can you trust exactly what Greg has overheard, possibly he misunderstood? Looking at the next fact, you are a employee of the audit firm that audits Matrix. Ethically there is an issue of how you treat your family members out side of work due to the nature of your work. You must be responsible to not speak about business outside of the office with your uncle. In fact, you should not be talking about the audit with your uncle at all, as you are no on the engagement team or a partner. Also, you must disclose your relationship with your uncle to the audit firm. The next fact that Greg does not want you to confront your uncle because of their rocky relationship, this is one of the largest ethical questions as all parties involved are family. To make the most ethical decision, I believe would to be acting on the right side of the law. You must not treat this as the biggest ethical problem within this case, yet it is hard because they are family. However, it would be more unethical to break the law then try and be ethical by protecting their fragile relationship. It is clear that all of the facts presented in this case have their own respected ethical issues. I believe that each individual would treat their importance differently based on their values. Next I will look at a few options, to carry out in this situation. The first option that I will discuss is to confront your uncle Jack about the situation,

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